Client Portal

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VEMA Billing Software Updates

Medicare New Sender ID Update
This file will update your system so that your Medicare electronic claims will be sent under your new sender ID. It will also update your EDI Transmission to produce reports and archive your claims.
Windows program file [2.1 MB]
Medicare New Sender ID Update Instructions
Here are the instructions for updating Medicare Electronic Claims Transmission when you recieve your new sender ID and after your Ability account is set up.
Adobe Acrobat document [374.0 KB]
Payment Audit Report Hotfix
Fixes problem with report object causing "LOBJLISTENER is not an object" error.
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
Carrier Summary Report Fix
Changed the criteria to pull data by date of service instead of date added.
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
Missing HCPCS Code Fix
This patch will fix the problem with HCPC Codes missing on some runs when printed on CMS1500
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
EDI Transmission Update
Fix bug in viewing reports which have been downloaded but cannot be opened.
Windows program file [594.8 KB]
VEMA Update (Version 12.6.35)
Adds a new report: Medicaid Provider Assessment
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
VEMA Update (Version 12.6.44)
VEMA Update for GW Modifier and Passport physical address fix.
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
VEMA Update (Version 12.6.52)
Vema Update for GW modifier using Medical Necessity
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
VEMA Update: Medicaide CMS1500 Box 33 Physical Update
Update to add physical address in box33 on CMS1500 for Medicaide carriers.
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
EDI Transmission Install (with Procomm Plus)
Full installation of EDI Transmission and Procomm Pluss
Windows program file [42.3 MB]
Edmonson Co. Special Update
This is an update to clear the problems Edmonson Co is having with run entry, etc..
Windows program file [2.9 MB]
Visual FoxPro 9.0 Service Pack 2 Run Time Installer
This will install all the necessary run time files for Visual FoxPro 9.0 to run on a PC
Windows program file [12.2 MB]
Medicare Paid Runs List
This will gather the paid Medicare runs for a given year input by the user.
Windows program file [26.4 KB]
VEMA Cumulative Update 20170917
This updates the Facility information in Box 32 of the CMS1500 claims form for Anthem Medicaaid; added extra lines for international address for international insurance carriers; patient mailer remittance address update.
Windows program file [2.5 MB]
Missing F1500 Patch
This updates the F1500 which was missing from the VEMA Cumulative Update 20170917
Windows program file [69.9 KB]
VEMA Update 20171001001
This update fixes the problems from the last update (VEMA Update 20170917001). This is a cumulative update that includes all the previous update.
Windows program file [2.5 MB]
Itemized Statement Fix
This fixes the address error when printing itemized statements from the cash received screen.
Windows program file [1'019.5 KB]
VEMA Update 20171009001
This fixes a bug in the CMS1500 address at the top of Mediciad paper claims and a bug that prevents more than one person in the system.
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
Vema Update 20171010001
Support for sending the 'GY' modifier on Medicare electronic claim submissions.
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
VEMA Update 20171012001
Expand the Medical Necessity Modifier.
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
Medicare Modifier Update (fox25_20180306001)
This will allow a run to have a blank medical necessity modifier without error.
Windows program file [1'019.5 KB]
Medicare Modifier Update for Billing Proof
Removes the medical necessity modifier requirement for non-emergency runs.
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
Payer Identifier Added to Carrier Master
The Carrier Master now has a place where you can change the payer identifier for electronic claims
Windows program file [2.5 MB]
VEMA Update 20180808001
Report fix: Updated Charges Audit to remove error check for medical necessity modifier
Windows program file [2.5 MB]
Medicare Paid Runs
Medicare Paid Runs
MCR Runs.exe
Windows program file [79.8 KB]
File Access Denied Fix for Morehead/Rowan County EMS
Fix the file access denied error
Windows program file [69.2 KB]
Zip code denial fix
This is a fix for the errors getting with Passport and Anthem claims
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
Emergency Run Payments report
New report to show payments made on emergency runs
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
Passport Zip code update
Further formatting update for Passport zip code
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
Revenue by HCPCS Code report
New report to show revenue by HCPCS Code
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
Revenue by HCPCS Code Report (Revised)
Revised Revenue by HCPCS Report to break down paid amounts by payer type (Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial, etc.)
Windows program file [1.6 MB]
Common Dialog Download
Compressed archive in ZIP format [57.7 KB]
FoxPro Fonts
Compressed archive in ZIP format [7.3 KB]


Use the files below to sign up for electronic claim submission. Download the files by clicking on them to save them to your computer. Open the files and follow the instructions given for the form. Some forms can be filled by typing the information in the fields on the form.

CGS EDI Application
Use this file to sign up for a Medicare EDI Sender ID.
Adobe Acrobat document [164.4 KB]
Railroad Medicare EDI Enrollment Package
Use this form to enroll in Railroad Medicare EDI Claim submission.
Adobe Acrobat document [875.6 KB]
KY Medicaid EDI Application
Use this form to sign up for EDI claim submission to KY Medicaid.
BBS EDI Application 5010.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [35.9 KB]

Run Form Ordering

Use the form below to order run sheets by filling out the information and click Send Form:


Name: Enter name

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Run Sheet Order Form

Please correct your input in the following fields:
Error while sending the form. Please try again later.

Note: Fields marked with * are required

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107 Crimson Ct
Lancaster,KY 40444


Phone: +1 859 539 7758+1 859 539 7758


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Mark's Resume
Here is my resume outlining my skills and experience. Feel free to look it over! Any comments or suggestions are always welcome!
Adobe Acrobat document [536.3 KB]
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